Contest: 5:00 PM - Saturday
Located on the Hall B Panel Stage
Pre-Judging: 2:00 PM - Sunday
Located in the Hall D Panel Room (Second Floor, Upstairs from Lobby)
How to enter: Please Sign Up using the link above. All entries must be completed online before 1:00pm on Saturday. There is no in-person registration at the convention. Adult Cosplay Contests are for participants aged 16+.
Adult Cosplay Contest Divisions:
Novice Division - The Novice division is for first year competitors who have not won awards yet. This division requires that at least 60% of the cosplay be made by, or heavily altered by, the wearer.
Journeyman Division - The Journeyman Division is for those who have won in the past in the Novice Division, excluding Master. This division requires that at least 70% of the cosplay be made by, or heavily altered by, the wearer. A build book is STRONGLY encouraged, but not required at this level.
Master Division - The Master Division is for competitors who are professional seamstresses, tailors, costume fabricators, costume designers, or competitors who guest as professional cosplayers at conventions, OR competitors who have won at least 3 or more major awards in the past, such as best in class, best in division, or best in show. This division requires that at least 80% of the cosplay be made by, or heavily altered by, the wearer. Build Book is REQUIRED.
Contest: 5:00 PM - Sunday
Located on the Hall B Panel Stage
Pre-Judging: 2:00 PM - Saturday
Located in the Hall D Panel Room (Second Floor, Upstairs from Lobby)
How to enter: Please Sign Up using the link above. All entries must be completed online before 12:00pm on Sunday. There is no in-person registration at the convention.
Kid's Contest Details: The Kid's Division is for children aged 7-15. Parents are allowed to assist with making the cosplay, but 50% must be done by the child. Children are allowed to compete in the adult skill-based divisions above, but will compete on Saturday with competitors aged 16 and up, and held to the same grading and critique standards.
For Novice, Journeyman, and Master Divisions, there will be one winner chosen in each division, as well as one cosplayer chosen for Best in Show. For Kid's Division, awards will be given for first, second, and third place.
While entrants may enter in any division they qualify for, judges reserve the right to change a competitor's division at any time. Entrants may only enter one division.
Division restrictions are strictly enforced. If any competitor is found to have entered a class below their skill level, the competitor will be immediately moved to a higher class. If a competitor is found to have intentionally entered a class below their skill level, the competitor risks immediate disqualification.
Rude remarks, put-downs, or other unsportsmanlike conduct either in person or on social media during the convention will result in a warning. Intense cases may result in immediate disqualification. Respect the staff, the judges, and your fellow competitors.
Judges are not permitted to discuss the entrees or the results outside of with the entrant or their fellow judges. This is to protect entrants, judges, and staff, as well as to maintain the professionalism of the contest.
All competitors must be judged before the cosplay contest begins. Prejudging is in 2 minute intervals to explain and showcase your work to the judges. If you are not present during prejudging, then you will NOT compete.
Competitors who are entering as a model for a commissioner/tailor/seamstress must have the commissioner/tailor/seamstress present during pre-judging.
Competitors who have won with the same build previously (also known as sandbagging), regardless of any alterations, will be disqualified from placing.
Competitors must arrive on time for lineup and seating. Competitors arriving more than 15 minutes late will be disqualified from the competition. If an emergency arises, please contact the staff.
The stage will have marked locations for the competitors to follow, walk, stop at and pose, and exit the stage. Do not enter or exit the stage from any other area besides the marked exit (i.e. jump off the front of the stage).
No running, flips, or jumping on stage.
Anything a competitor brings on stage with them must leave the stage with them.
All cosplays must conform to a TV-PG rating. No nudity or explicit sexual content are permitted.
Standard ''Swimsuit Areas'' must be covered at all times. No indecent exposure, bare feet, thong bottoms, under breast, or side of breast exposure permitted. You may wear a bikini top, but the entire breasts must be covered. This includes see-through/mesh attire.
No weapons or sharpened objects. Any blunt swords, staffs, daggers, etc will need to be checked and inspected before allowed entry.
There is absolutely no flash powder, liquid, food, or projectile weaponry allowed on stage at any time.
High-resolution reference photos — Judges may not be familiar with the character you’re cosplaying. Reference photos can help them determine how well you’ve interpreted the source material.
Pictures of the creation process — This can be crucial in the judging process. Judges really want to understand how you made something from A to Z. They are often impressed with how you problem-solved something drawn or animated into a physical object, not just the end result.
Short, written bullet points about your process that are easy to read quickly— It’s great to share what you feel you learned as well as what techniques you think you really mastered.
Swatches or off-cuttings from the creation of your costume are encouraged, but not required.